Friday, February 25, 2011

ski week

On Monday February 21st of 2011 my family, except for one of my sisters, had a week off school for ski week. Even though it doesn't snow often in San Francisco and we didn't go skiing, I've had a fun week so far.
On Monday my big sister Paige was still home because it was Presidents day.
On Tuesday it was my little sister Kelly's 5th birthday!!!! For her birthday we went to the San Francisco Zoo and made her a b-day cake. After that she opened her presents and we had the cake we made and sang Happy Birthday.
On Wednesday we got the things I need for my diorama at the Hobby Shop and I finished my math packet.
On Thursday I did more homework and my mom helped me set up this blog.
On Friday (today) Kelly, Dad and I went to Party City to get the rest of the stuff for Kelly's party on Saturday. I will be helping with her party, even though it is a princess party.
Finally on Sunday I'm going to finish my homework. I just need to make my neat copy for my diorama and that's it.

1 comment:

Cyndi Hendrickson said...

"...even though it is a princess party." My favorite part! :-D